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note Since v2.7.0, only for Delphi/C++Builder 2009 and later

Read this property value to ensure that UTF8 character set is used for connection to MySQL server. This property is read-only.


property Utf8Used: boolean;


DAC for MySQL supports Unicode strings only if connection character set is UTF8. Utf8Used property is used by DAC for MySQL to enable conversion between UTF8 encoded strings received from server and Delphi's UnicodeString data type internal representation.

You can set your connection character set using ConnectionCharacterSet property.

Connection character set can be UTF8 even if you don't set TMySQLDatabase.ConnectionCharacterSet property to 'utf8', e.g. if the server is configured to use UTF8 as default connection character set. You can use Utf8Used property to ensure that UTF8 character set is used in the connection to MySQL server.

note Please read this FAQ section if you want to use Unicode strings in your application: How to use Unicode data in my application?

See also: ConnectionCollation, ConnectionCharacterSet properties