Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.8.1 is out!

Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.8.1 is out!

This release introduces new functionality as well as several bug fixes.
Support for PostgreSQL 9.1 added, new Create HTML Report functionality present, unlogged tables support added, Database Generation and Modification dialogs improved.

You're welcome to download the Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.8.1 right now at:

Full changelog:

[+] Name patterns for newly created objects supported
[+] Object selection added to Create HTML Report dialog
[+] Support for unlogged tables using the UNLOGGED option added
[*] Additional checks added for dependent composite types during model loading
[*] Improved processing for fields deletion with referenced foreign keys in Modify engine
[*] Syntax highlightning improved for base types
[-] "Access violation on Privilege Manager Add button click" bug fixed
[-] "Cannot cast type text[] to text error duting Reverse Engineering on pre-8.2 servers" bug fixed
[-] "EInvalidCast error occurs during deletion of domain in Domain & UDT Manager" bug fixed
[-] "Relation 'pg_users' does not exist during Reverse Engineering on pre-8.1 servers" bug fixed
[-] "Some sequences may not be generated using Generate Database dialog" bug fixed
[-] "Stamp colors are not saved" bug fixed
[-] "Stored Routine Editor dissalows non-latin character in routine name" bug fixed

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support Ticketing system available at

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