Database Designer for MySQL 1.9.0

Database Designer for MySQL 1.9.0

Version 1.9.0 of the microOLAP Database Designer for MySQL is released.

What's new:

[+] New Preview&Print System

[+] Universal Reverse Engineering and MS Access Reverse Engineering engines are totally rewritten

[+] MySQL 5.1.6+ Event objects

[+] Advanced SQL Editor

[+] AutoLayout tool improvements

[+] Ability to turn off updates of ModelUpdated field for diagram for better compatibility with version control systems (like SVN or CVS)

[+] Reverse Engineering Progress form is now showed while reverse engineering.

[+] mysql.exe compatibility support while generating script (use of 'DELIMITER' clauses with procedures, triggers, events)

[+] Ability to generate FKs after all tables are generated without tables reordering and dependencies resolving. This can be very useful in case of looped references.

[+] Generation Settings are saved to model file now. So you don't need to set them again every time database is generated from model. Tables, views and stored routines generation order also are saved to the model file.

[+] "TYPE=<engine name>" clause changed to "ENGINE=<engine name>" in table creation script. "TYPE=<engine name>" is not longer supported by MySQL from v5.1.6-alpha

[+] Ability to set default location for model files in Environment Settings

[-] Bug while closing Table Manager

[-] Bug with reverse engineering of indexes

[-] Views were shown in the tables list while reverse engineering

[-] Some minor bugs with script generation

[-] Bug with indexes on fields with spaces in field names

[-] Stored Procedures and Functions Reverse Engineering bugs

[-] Additional checks for form positions in multi-monitor environment

[-] Some minor bugs with Merge Model

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