PostgresDAC 2.5.5 released!

PostgresDAC 2.5.5 released!

This release introduces the latest 8.4.3 libraries, improvements for user-defined types support, savepoint functionality support, new behaviour options for TPSQLDataset descendants and several bug fixes.

Full changelog:

[!] v8.4.3 client libraries added
[!] v8.4.3 dump & restore libraries (pg_dump.dll, pg_restore.dll)
[+] v8.2.16 and v8.3.10 dump & restore libraries (pg_dump_8.x.x.dll, pg_restore_8.x.x.dll)
[+] dsoEmptyCharAsNull option added to TPSQLDataaset.Options property
[+] dsoUDTAsMaxString option added to TPSQLDataaset.Options property
[+] Methods Savepoint, ReleaseSavepoint, RollbackToSavepoint added to TPSQLDatabase
[+] Some unit tests added for RAD Studio 2010
[*] Current record position preserved after changing index or performing local sort
[*] Improved processing for NAME, TIME WITH TIMEZONE, TIMESTAMP WITH TIMEZONE field types
[*] Improved support for network address types (inet, cidr, macaddr)
[*] Improved support for user-defined types with OIDs greater then 65535
[*] Prevent ":" character followed by non-printable character in TPSQLQuery.SQL to be treated as parameter
[*] Prevented index info fetching for non-table datasets
[*] Thread safety improved for date\time low level conversion routines
[*] TPSQLStoredProc.Overload is set to 0 if StoredProcName were changed from now
[*] UTF8 encoding is not performed for connection parameters in IDE's prior to Delphi 2009
[*] XML type mapped to TMemoField from now
[-] "Cannot obtain parameters from server if TPSQLStoredProc.Overload differs from default value" bug fixed
[-] "In IDE versions prior to 2009 using UTF-8 client encoding corrupts data display" bug fixed
[-] "Range methods (SetRange, SetRangeStart, SetRangeEnd) may fail on string values if UTF8 used" bug fixed
[-] "TPSQLDatabase.SelectString doesn't return aDefaultValue if aFieldNumber less then zero" bug fixed
[-] "TPSQLTable.Options change have no effect" bug fixed
[-] "Wrong time value passed to server in some system date and time regional options, e.g. Italian" bug fixed
[-] Unwanted Assert() call eliminated in TPSQLDataset.Lookup method

You're welcome to download the PostgresDAC v2.5.5 right now at:
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