PostgresDAC 2.5.0 released

PostgresDAC 2.5.0 released

Version 2.5.0 (December 12, 2008)

Important changes: Since designtime code is separated from runtime one, for those who had previously installed PostgrtesDAC there might be need to do the following:
- uninstall PostgresDAC from IDE
- manually remove PostgresDACX.bpl library from $(DELPHI)\Projects\Bpl or wherever it was manually installed
If you install PostgresDAC from sources you need build PostgresDACX.dpk package first, and then install designtime dclPostgresDAC.dpk package.

Important changes: TPSQLMonitor.OnSQL event definition has been changed!
Pay attention if you will test PostgresDAC with old projects.

Important changes: Client libraries built with MinGW compiler. The stock ones that are shipped with the win32 version of PostgreSQL have a ton of extra dependencies that are not needed for most client applications, so we built our own versions of the libs including OpenSSL. This eliminated the MS CRT, Kerberos, GSS and ZLIB dependencies reducing the size of the required dependencies.

Full changelog:
[!] Delphi/C++Builder 2009 (Tiburon) support added
[!] Designtime code separated from runtime code
[!] Client libraries built with MinGW compiler
[+] TPSQLDump and TPSQLRestore support Unicode file names
[+] v8.3.5 client libraries added
[+] v8.3.5 dump & restore libraries (pg_dump.dll, pg_restore.dll) added
[*] Result set refetched only if affected rows exists adter modify now
[*] TPSQLMonitor.OnSQL event definition has been changed
[*] UTF8 character set may be used for IDEs without Unicode support. Question mark used for characters can not be displayed
[*] PL/pgSQL asignment operator ":=" is no longer an allowed parameter name
[-] "Boolean fields may not be updated using TPSQLUpdateSQL component" bug fixed
[-] "Double colon in TPSQLQuery.SQL causes error if ParamCheck = True and parameters used" bug fixed
[-] "Positioning after TPSQLQuery.Insert is incorrect if TAutoIncField is present in result set" bug fixed
[-] "Some encodings may not be accessible for TPSQLDatabase.Charset at design-time" bug fixed
[-] "TPSQLUpdateSQL may incorrectly use NULL value for field with name need to be quoted" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the PostgresDAC v2.5.0 right now at: ,
or login to your private area on our site at

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