DAC for MySQL 2.7.3 released

DAC for MySQL 2.7.3 released

Version 2.7.3 (August 18, 2009)

Version 2.7.3 is out. This release adds support for Delphi/C++Builder 2010(Weaver).
Locate() and FindKey() methods respect active filter now. Several minor bugs fixed.

Full changelog:

[!] Support for Delphi/C++Builder Weaver (2010) added (experimental
    because Delphi/C++Builder Weaver (2010) is not released by Embarcadero

[*] Locate() and FindKey() methods respect active filter now

[*] Ability to create ftString fields as VARCHAR instead of CHAR when
    using TmySQLTable.CreateTable() method (This behaviour is controlled
    by M_FTSTRING_AS_VARCHAR conditional define inmySQLDAC.inc file)

[+] Current record position preserved after changing index or
    performing local sort

[-] Bug in TmySQLTable.CreateTable() method fixed

[-] Bug with lookup fields fixed

[-] VARCHAR fields were detected as TStringField rather then
    TWideStringField at design time under Delphi 2009

[-] Minor bugs in SetRangeStart(), SetRangeEnd(), ApplyRange() methods

[-] "'Range check error' exception raised sometime after SSL failure"
    bug fixed

[-] "Sometimes Locate() method do not work properly for Unicode data
    under Delphi 2009" bug fixed

[-] "Sometimes Unicode data are lost when updating dataset with
    TmySQLUpdateSQL component" bug fixed

[-] "TmySQLDatabase.GetServerStat() method returns wrong data under
    Delphi 2009" bug fixed

[-] Minor bug with UTF8-data processing fixed

You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v2.7.3 right now at:
http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,
or login to your private area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/downloads/

If you install DAC for MySQL from sources you should build MySQLDAC*.dpk
package first, and then install design-time dcl_MySQLDAC*.dpk package.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

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