DAC for MySQL 2.7.2 released

DAC for MySQL 2.7.2 released

Version 2.7.2 (June 16, 2009)

Version 2.7.2 is out. This release introduces several new properties and
design-time features. There are also several errors fixed.

Don't forget to uninstall old version before installing the new one.

If you install DAC for MySQL from sources you should build MySQLDAC*.dpk
package first, and then install design-time dcl_MySQLDAC*.dpk package.

Full changelog:

[+] TMySQLDatabase.DesignOptions property added
    Details at http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/help/TMySQLDatabase/Properties/DesignOptions.htm

[+] Ability to treat TINYINT(1) fields as Boolean with "1"/"0" values
    as "TRUE"/"FALSE"
    Details at http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/help/Other/DataTypesMap.htm

[+] TmySQLTable.ReopenOnIndexChange property added. Resultset is
    sorted locally using client-side sorting if it set to False
    Details at http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/help/TMySQLTable/Properties/ReopenOnIndexChange.htm

[-] "Locate() method failed for TWideStringField columns after
    RADStudio 2009 Update3/4" bug fixed

[-] "Field 'field name' is not indexed by current index and cannot be
    modified" exception was raised when using SetRangeStart() method

[-] Sometimes BLOB data size was determined improperly and caused
    errors with BLOB-fields storing binary data.

[-] "TmySQLTable.FindKey() throws an EDatabaseError exception 'Record
    not found' when dataset is empty" bug fixed

[-] "TmySQLTable.GoToNearest() doesn't work when subset of fields is
    given on a multi-field index" bug fixed

[-] "TmySQLTable.Delete() does not delete row when dataset status is in
    dsEditModes" bug fixed

[-] "Unicode data are replaced with ??? sometimes when TmySQLQuery is
    used with TmySQLUpdateSQL under Delphi 2009" bug fixed

[-] "mySQLTypes.NextSQLToken.GetSQLToken() will never return the token
    for "FOR UPDATE" bug fixed

[-] Bug in TmySSHDatabase component fixed

You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v2.7.2 right now at:
http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,
or login to your private area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/downloads/

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

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