DAC for MySQL 2.7.1 released

DAC for MySQL 2.7.1 released

Version 2.7.1 (April 1, 2009)

Version 2.7.1 is out. This release brings several optimizations and bugfixes
since 2.7.0 release. Minor Design-Time errors fixed also.

Don't forget to uninstall old version before installing the new one.

If you install DAC for MySQL from sources you should build MySQLDAC*.dpk
package first, and then install design-time dcl_MySQLDAC*.dpk package.

Full changelog:

[+] TSQLDataset/TADODataset to TMySQLQuery conversion added for
    TBDE2MySQL component

[+] Database property of components assigned automatically on creation

[+] TmySQLDatabase.IsSSLUsed property added

[-] "Error while fetching field list for TmySQLTable at design time"
    bug fixed

[-] FindKey() and GotoKey() methods did not work in some cases

[-] "Property UpdateObject does not exist" bug in TDBE2MySQL component

[-] "FindNearest/GotoNearest throws DBI error code 8705 exception when
    against a table with zero rows" bug fixed

[-] "Setting IndexName property at design-time raises exception" bug

[-] "TClientDataSet.ApplyUpdates() always raises error when used with
    TmySQLQuery" bug fixed

[-] String columns lengths were determined incorrectly for Delphi 2009

[-] "Cursor goes to wrong position after edit or delete record" bug

[-] "Locate() method do not work when non-utf8 connection characterset
    is used" bug fixed (thanks to Joseph Shiels)

You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v2.7.1 right now at:
http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,
or login to your private area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/downloads/

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

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