EtherSensor Version

EtherSensor Version

Data sources and objects capture
 EtherSensor EtherCAP service:
  [-]An error was fixed with Lotus Notes message processing. Sometimes message and metadata strings were processed incorrectly.

 EtherSensor ICAP service:
  [+]An "ICAP protocol synchronous" mode was added. In this mode, the ICAP server first receives the entire request from the ICAP client, and sends the response only after it is received, even in case of large requests (for example, a an ISO image or another large file download/upload). If the synchronous mode is disabled, the ICAP server works in a streaming mode.
  This means that the server does not wait until the entire request is received, but starts sending the response as soon as possible. From a user viewpoint, this means no delay in a file transfer. This is important if multimedia traffic (such as video streaming) is passed via ICAP.
  Before that, a video stream would be sent from the ICAP proxy to a user only after it was fully downloaded to the ICAP proxy, then to the ICAP server, and then fully received back from the ICAP server. The use of the synchronous mode is required by some ICAP clients that mostly use ICAP to work with antiviruses: to make a decision on what response they send to the ICAP client, antiviruses normally need to receive the entire object (irrespective of its size) first.

Captured objects analysis:
  [+]Built in a UDP server to process messages from EtherSensor agents. If EtherSensor agents are installed and working on the workstation in the organization network, they can deliver the information on user-created connections to the sensor.
   The EtherSensor Analyser service uses this information to identify the user during message interception, and to add message owner attributes to messages with the help of headers:
    X-Sensor-UID: 0e515c8c-61eb-11e1-a529-000c29ff0707
    X-Sensor-UID-UserName: CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=bigbrother,DC=foo
  [+]Support for a new license was added. Versions 4.1 and higher of Microolap EtherSensor support licenses with subscription to updates.
  [-]An error was fixed with Lotus Notes message processing. Sometimes message and metadata strings were processed incorrectly.

  [*]The performance of EtherSensor log archiving was improved, required disk space was reduced.
  [+]Lotus Notes message processing statistics can now be saved.
  [+]Support for a new license was added. Versions 4.1 and higher of Microolap EtherSensor support licenses with subscription to updates.

Configuration console:
  [*]EtherSensor ICAP service configuration functions were updated.
  [*]EtherSensor Analyser service configuration functions were updated.

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