EtherSensor Version

EtherSensor Version

Data sources and objects capture
 EtherSensor EtherCAP service:
  [+]Statistical processing of the SSL protocol was added: statistics are accumulated for SSL connections, and results are generated with SSL connection lists. You can disable this feature in the configuration (ethcap.xml file) by doing the following:
   <Protocol enable="false" name="ssl" />
  [-]An error was fixed which sometimes resulted in exceptions at service startup.

Captured objects analysis:
  [+]The following detectors were updated:,,, smsmms,,,,
  [+]Now all messages that reach the stage of sending to consumers are marked with the X-Sensor-RawSource-Type header. This is to help the consumer (for example, a message archiving system) to know which initial "raw" captured data were used to get the final message. The following values are currently possible:
    HttpGetRequest: The message source is an HTTP GET REQUEST
    HttpPostRequest: The message source is an HTTP POST REQUEST
    HttpPutRequest: The message source is an HTTP PUT REQUEST
    FtpFile: The message source is an FTP file
    SmtpEml: The message source is an SMTP EML
    Pop3Eml: The message source is a POP3 EML
    IcqContactList: The message source is an ICQ Contact List
    IcqMessageList: The message source is an ICQ Message List
    IcqFile: The message source is an ICQ File
    IcqLoginInfo: The message source is the ICQ Login Info
    MraUserInfo: The message source is the MRA user info
    MraContactList: The message source is an MRA Contact List
    MraMessageList: The message source is an MRA Message List
    MraFile: The message source is an MRA File
    MsnContactList: The message source is an MSN Contact List
    MsnMessageList: The message source is an MSN Message List
    MsnFile: The message source is an MSN File
    XmppContactList: The message source is an XMPP Contact List
    XmppMessageList: The message source is an XMPP Message List
    XmppFile: The message source is an XMPP File
    IrcMessageList: The message source is an IRC Message List
    IrcFile: The message source is an IRC File
    SkypeVersionRequest: The data source is the Get Last version request to
    SslSessionsList: The data source is a list of SSL sessions
    Please note:
    Certain mailing systems use POST requests to read incoming mail. In this case, interception result for such message will contain the X-Sensor-RawSource-Type header: HttpPostRequest.

  [*]Now all messages which are ready to be transported are labeled with the X-Sensor-LicOption header. This header can have the following values:
  [*]From and To format was updated for WebMail, WebSocial, and WebCV messages.
  [+]Empty message bodies are now checked for and removed for WebMail, WebSocial, and WebCV messages.
  [+]Results are generated to include SSL connection lists.

Delivering analysis results to consumer system:
  [*]Memory consumption was optimized for message delivery.

Configuration console:
  [*]Management interface user interface was updated.
  [*]Integration with the EtherSensor help system was implemented.
  [+]HTTP filter statistics is now displayed.

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