Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.2.8-beta1 released

Database Designer for PostgreSQL 1.2.8-beta1 released

Support for sequences added. Wine compatibility introduced.
Diagram objects drawing algorithms significantly improved.

What's new:
[!] Sequences support added
[!] Wine support added
[+] Ability to change PUBLIC schema properties added
[+] Ability to specify current schema added
[+] Ability to use online help added
[+] Detailed information displayed in the status bar for currently selected object
[+] tsvector and tsquery types support added
[+] Use Graphical Selection button in Database Generation editor will select used objects for Types & Domains
[*] Additional checks for objects ID uniqueness added
[*] Allow column sorting in objects managers
[*] Appropriate Object Tree View node is selected when some model object is selected
[*] Handling of overloaded functions improved in Stored Routine Manager
[*] Shift + F5 shortcut added for View -> Fit To Screen command
[*] The same names are allowed for references defined for tables from different schemas
[*] Type sort order improved in drop-down lists
[-] "Access Violation error occurs when trying to delete table in reversed model" bug fixed
[-] "ALSO\INSTEAD clause ignored for rules during Reverse Engineering" bug fixed
[-] "Dependent composite types DROP statements are shown in the Preview tab of the Domain & User Defined Type Manager" bug fixed
[-] "Index Manager: access violation error when Edit button pressed" bug fixed
[-] "Modify Database trying to alter column data type if user-defined type used" bug fixed
[-] "New value for constraint TABLESPACE value is not applied after Table Editor close" bug fixed
[-] "OK button does nothing in Stored Routine Manager" bug fixed
[-] "Role members list is empty after Reverse Engineering" bug fixed
[-] "Rules Actions memo keeps old statements after all Rules have been deleted" bug fixed
[-] "Sometimes tables have smaller width then needed if additional display options are selected (NN, FK etc.)" bug fixed
[-] "Table Editor allows creating column-less constraints" bug fixed
[-] "The number of items cannot be greater then 64, if the EditValueFormat is cvfInteger" bug fixed
[-] "View Manager: schema column is blank when opening"
[-] Some columns don't restore width in object managers after restart

You are welcome to download it at

Since this is BETA version please don't use it for production purposes.

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