Meet the Microolap Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.9

Meet the Microolap Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.9

This release  introduces brand new SSH tunneling machinery out of the box! No 3rd party solutions should be installed. Also, there is a more flexible solution for columns default values implemented. From now and on developer may control if these values are quoted or not, allowing set empty strings or function values as defaults. Also this release is focused on tuning bug reports facility and improves user experience allowing hide unneeded objects. Some nasty bugs fixed.

Full changelog:
[!] Brand new SSH tunneling introduced
[+] Option to quote of not default values for domains and columns added
[*] Model file format changed. Notice generated for old models on Open
[+] "Report bug" functionality added to detailed error dialog
[+] Hide\Show objects functionality added
[!] Error logging improved a lot
[!] Splash screen updated
[*] Copyright info label updated
[*] Improved main window position and state restoring for maximized state
[-] "Cannot open a file. The system cannot find the file specified" bug fixed for SQL Editor
[-] "ERangeError after applying some colors to model background" bug fixed
[-] "Possible access violation error in Object Tree's popup menu" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.9 right now at:

Login to your private area on our site at to obtain your key if you have a license.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support Ticketing system available at

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