Database Designer for MySQL 1.9.9 released

Database Designer for MySQL 1.9.9 released

Version 1.9.9 (July 27, 2009)

This release introduces Wine support, new diagram drawing algorithm,
several minor improvements and bugfixes.

Full changelog:

[!] Wine support added

[!] "Edit Reference" dialog is shown after creating reference to allow
    select existing field instead of creating new field XXX_FK

[!] Diagram objects drawing algorithms significantly improved

[*] Corresponding Object Tree View node is selected when some model
    object is selected

[*] Detailed information displayed in the status bar for currently
    selected object

[*] Reverse Engineering Progress dialog refactored. Now it has two
    progress bars: for current object and for whole process

[*] Generate Database dialog refactored: "Database Options" and "Table
    Options" tabs split

[+] Progress indication and interrupt ability added for Export

[+] Export supports splitting into pages now

[+] Ability to disable columns character set and collation generation
    in "Generate Database" dialog

[+] Model Font size setting added to "Environment Options" dialog

[-] Minor Check Diagram bugs fixed

[-] "Sometimes application hangs after aborting Reverse Engineering"
    bug fixed

[-] Minor bug with diagram scrolling fixed

[-] "Enum values are not inherited from the parent table" bug fixed

[-] "Not all storage engines are shown in combobox in Table Manager"
    bug fixed

[-] Sometimes character set definition was added for non-string fields

You're welcome to download the Database Designer for MySQL 1.9.9 right now at:

Login to your private area on our site at to obtain your
key if you have a license.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our
Support Ticketing system available at

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