DAC for MySQL 3.3.0 is out!

DAC for MySQL 3.3.0 is out!

This release includes Rad Studio 10.4 support, SSL improvements and bug fixes.

Full changelog:

[!] RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney support was added
[+] Ability to specify custom SSLibName and SSLCryptoLibName was added to TMySQLDatabase
[+] SSL: CA Cert option was added to TMySQLDatabase
[+] SSL: Ability to choose TLS protocol version was added
[*] SSL: Ability to choose the cipher was added
[*] "TMySQLDatabase.Temporary" property was removed
[-] "TMySQLUpdateQuery doesn't work with MySQL lower than 4.1" bug fixed
[-] "Reading additional information from the server during the query can lead to memory corruption" bug fixed
[-] "TNativeDataSet.SortBy: field list are being parsed incorrectly" bug fixed
[-] "TNativeDataSet.SortBy raises an AV in case of empty dataset" bug fixed
[-] "An error can arise in case of memo-fields that contain empty (non-null) strings " bug fixed
[-] "Connection failed in case of AuthSwitchRequest from the server" bug fixed
[-] "ENUM filed like 'Teddy, Frank' might be terminated as Boolean" bug fixed
[-] "TMySQLDataset: AV can arise in case of enum field with an empty string" bug fixed
[-] "MySQL 3.x: OutOfMemory exception while opening dataset" bug fixed
[-] "TMySQLDataSet might return corrupted data with enabled third-party profiler"
[-] "Incrorrect field description parsing for old versions of MySQL" bug fixed
[-] "Failed connection to 3.x MySQL servers" bug fixed
[-] "Connection with password to the old version of MySQL server failed" bug fixed
[-] "Failed to connect to MySQL 8 with earlier Delphi versions in case of password with spaces" bug was fixed
[-] "Failed to connect with caching_sha2_password and a long password" bug was fixed
[-] "Prepared statement is now working correctly with BLOB field" bug was fixed
[-] "Range checking error for x64 Target platform in case of long query statement" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v3.3.0 right now at: http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,
or login to your personal area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/downloads/

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support Ticketing system available at http://www.microolap.com/support/

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