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Navigation:  Event and Object Analysis > Capture Results Filtering > Filtration Basics > Rules > Criteria and Conditions >


Checks the size of the message.


This condition checks the size of the message.

The msg-size condition sums up the size of the extracted text and  attachments.

The total-size condition sums up the total size of the extracted text, attachments and source data from which they were extracted.


<c name="msg-size" op="<operation>" value="<compare pattern>" />
<c name="total-size" op="<operation>" value="<compare pattern>" />

The "name" attribute:

The name attribute contains the condition name: name="msg-size" or name="total-size".

The "value" attribute:

The value="..." attribute specifies the number to which the message size is compared:

<number> or <number>B

Specifies the size in bytes.


Specifies the size in kilobytes.


Specifies the size in megabytes.


Specifies the size in gigabytes.

The "op" attribute:

The op="..." attribute specifies the comparison operation and may have the following values:

"eq" or = or ==

The condition is considered true if the size IS EQUAL TO the specified number.

"ne" or != or <>

The condition is considered true if the size IS NOT EQUAL TO the specified number.

"lt" or <

The condition is considered true if the size IS LESS THAN the specified number.

"gt" or >

The condition is considered true if the size IS GREATER THAN the specified number.

"le" or <=

The condition is considered true if the size IS LESS THAN OR IS EQUAL TO the specified number.

"ge" or >=

The condition is considered true if the size IS GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO the specified number.


The rule stops processing messages larger than 100 kilobytes (net of source data) or larger than 1 megabyte (including source data).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<filter name="Message filter" version="1.0">
 <comment>Messages filter.</comment>
 <table name="main">
     <rule enabled="1">
           <c name="msg-size" op=">" value="100K"/>
           <c name="total-size" op="gt" value="1M"/>
       <action name="drop" />